You will find below opportunities for you to serve at FBC. Prayerfully consider where you would like to serve for the 2023-2024 church year.  Our By-Laws limit an individual to serve on only one committee when possible.  If you have a remaining year or 2 to serve on a committee now, your name is listed beside that committee.  You do not need to do anything.  However, if you are not listed as serving and are willing to serve, please check the appropriate areas and submit this form.  If you are currently serving on a committee and will be rotating off this fall you are eligible to serve for 2023-2024, but not on the committee you are rotating off from.  The Nominating Committee will prayerfully consider your request and make contacts where God leads.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.


Please select the children's or youth class where you would be willing to serve.

Please select the adult class where you would be willing to serve.


Please select the committee where you would be willing to serve.

The Nominating Committee appreciates your willingness to serve our church.