All Classes meet Sundays at 6 P.M.

TeamKID (Kids in Discipleship) PreK-K;

Preschoolers will travel on a journey through the four Gospel books that tell us about who Jesus is and why He came.  TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages preschoolers to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. Bible stories, Scripture memory, mission activities, life application, recreation games and more. 


Intentional Parenting:

Saying No to Quick-fix parenting this study prioritizes

Intentional parenting helping parents to be proactive in

raising their sons & daughters. 

Authors: Doug & Cathy Fields


Firmly Planted

Desiring a closer relationship with God, this study addresses topics such as: How you can be sure of your salvation;

Why your identity in Christ affects everything you do;

How to overcome the three enemies that cripple a Christian's growth and more. 

Author: Robby Gallantry,


Fully Devoted

Discipleship is a lifelong process from first steps to glorification. 

Jesus wants us to be

fully devoted disciples. 

Growing in discipleship

is the aim of this study. 

Authors: Kendrick Brothers


TUESDAY Evenings GriefShare 6-8 PM